Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lara Logan

I remember the exact moment I became interested in the news.

Like most kids I dismissed the news as boring stuff for old people. My grandparents watched the news. My parents watched the news. No one my age watched the news though. Who cares what's happening in South East Asia right now? I'm more worried about if I'm going to get to hang out with my friends this weekend.

Then one day after I graduated I was flipping through the channels on a summer afternoon and for god knows what reason I let the channel stay on PBS for a minute as the BBC World News came on. And there she was: Lara Logan.

Holy Christ, I didn't know what she was selling, but I knew I wanted some. Turns out she was selling the news. And I've been interested in politics and history ever since. Sorry Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer, but Lara Logan is the hottest lady on the news by far. You're both just fugly hags in comparison.

Not only is Lara Logan one stone cold fox, with her supermodel good looks, perfect hair, and sexy as hell South African accent, but she's also the most badass reporter out there, male or female. She's been to Afghanistan more times than you've been to the 7/11 down the block. Not many people can rock Kevlar chic, but Lara Logan can.

And now she's a regular correspondent for CBS News and 60 Minutes. I know that pretty much the only companies who will advertise on 60 Minutes anymore are the boner pill people, but on nights when Lara's reporting you might want to find another sponsor. Because watching Lara dodge bullets in prime-time is enough to give anyone an erection lasting over four hours, boner pills or not.

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